12 Powerful Rules For Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship management is not rocket science. Most of it can be traced back to the good old saying ‘treat others as you wish to be treated”. Nevertheless, here are some tips that can help you along the way.

  • The customer does never interrupt our work, he is our work, even when he is irritated or totally
  • It’s the customer who pays the salary of every person in the company, whether it’s the CEO,
    salesperson, receptionist, accountant, supply clerk or truck driver.
  • The customer is the single most important person in our company. He’s part of the family, so we treat him that way.
  • Even if our wealth or wellbeing doesn’t directly depend on the customer, it’s arrogant to show this.
  • The customer is never our opponent in a battle we want to win. We don’t fight customers, we convince them and look for a way to come to terms.
  • If a friend calls us, writes us or pays us a visit, we do our best to be open and respond. The same holds true for a customer.
  • A customer is not a number, he’s a person of flesh and blood. He needs as much love, care and attention as we do.
  • Everybody can deal with friendly, courteous customers. People expect more of us professionals. Our qualities are shown at moments of conflict and tension, when the going gets tough.
  • The customer is our mirror and echo. Our smile can be found in his, our intonation is reflected in his answers.
  • Satisfied – or even better, happy – customers are our best ambassadors. Their recommendations bring us new business and keep us alive.
  • Every customer has a unique personality that deserves a unique treatment.

The satisfaction and happiness of our customers is more important to us than any formal rule or regulation.

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